Wednesday 22 August 2012


I know what you're gonna say- this film's for kids. But I don't care! I love Disney (and Pixar) and I'm not ashamed to say it. I believe the films have a universal audience and therefore deserve to be reviewed like any other film. So there!
I've been awaiting Braves release for a very, very, very long time, which of course paved the way for lots of hopeful expectation. And I'm terribly sorry to announce that, unfortunately, the film didn't live up to it.
I need to get over the fact that we've entered a hateful era of entertainment, where film makers are intent on creating 'epicly' beautiful images, vast scenery and fast moving action, at the expense of storyline, but I can't.
Why can't we have both, I ask you?
The story of Merida, the princess that doesn't want to fill her own shoes, is unoriginal, containing rehashed parts of numerous other adventures such as The Princess and The Frog, Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast. I understand it must be extremely hard to come up with new and interesting plots, but isn't there a whole team of people whose job it is to do just that? I know Pixar can do better (Monster Inc, Toy Story 3, Up) and to me the plot of Brave just feels lazy. Merida as a heroine is far less brave than Mulan, for example, and as a result the climax of the story is far less moving.
There are some nice sub-characters but none developed enough for me. The three brothers are entertaining but need dialogue to give them more backing. And the 'woodcutter'- clearly the best character going, barely has more than a cameo role. What's that about?
I do hate to whine about modern day cinema (or do I? haha), but I just don't see why a children's film can't be amusing and brilliant for adults too.
Having said all that, I'd still recommend it, even if simply for admiring Merida’s wonderful hair. It’s so pretty!

If you have seen it and utterly disagree with my miserable viewpoint, please do attempt to change my mind. Because honestly I wish that I'd loved Brave as much as I love so many others timeless classics that came before it.

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